Black Tourmaline

The Protective Power of Black Tourmaline Crystal

Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is a powerful gemstone known for its ability to provide protection and eliminate negative energy. This striking black crystal is believed to have grounding properties, offering a connection between the Earth and the human spirit.

Origin and Composition of Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a boron silicate mineral, which is part of a larger family of tourmaline crystals, each with their own characteristic colors and properties. It is often found embedded in large granite deposits and is commonly sourced from countries such as Brazil, Pakistan, Africa, and the USA.

Protective Properties

One of the most popular uses is for protection against negative energies. Many people carry a piece of the crystal with them or place it in their homes to:

  • Shield against negative thoughts and intentions.
  • Protect from electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) emitted by electronic devices.
  • Ground their energy and enhance physical wellbeing.

How to Use Black Tourmaline

Personal Use

To carry the protective power of black tourmaline with you, you can wear it as jewelry such as a necklace or bracelet. Alternatively, keeping a small stone in your pocket ensures that its protective energy is always close at hand.

In The Home

Placing it by the entrance of your home is said to act as a barrier against negative energies entering your space. Similarly, having it near electronic devices can help in reducing the impact of EMFs.


Incorporating it into your meditation practice can aid in deepening your connection to the Earth, providing grounding and helping to release stress and unwanted patterns.

Cleansing Black Tourmaline

As with any energy-absorbing stone, it’s important to cleanse this stone regularly. This can be done in a few ways:

  • Running the stone under water (be mindful of water temperature and pressure, as these can affect the stone).
  • Using smoke from sage, palo santo, or incense to clear accumulated energies.
  • Placing it in sunlight or moonlight for several hours.


Black tourmaline serves as a powerful ally in the quest for emotional and spiritual stability. Whether used for personal protection, grounding during meditation, or safeguarding a space, this versatile crystal can play a crucial role in one’s energetic hygiene practices. If you’re looking for a natural way to clear away negativity and embrace a grounded sense of being, it might just be the perfect stone for you.